Devotional Tangents


If this year the additional theme to my journal of daily reminders about God’s faithfulness is to be God’s sovereignty* then in personal matters I must trust. For though personal matters seem of little worldly importance, or at least less than public or professional matters, they are of cosmic importance precisely because they are close to my heart and soul, and we know that the most epic of spiritual battles are fought first on such sacred grounds. Hence in these matters especially, I should be diligent and purposeful to do the thing that seems to most clearly honour God and can bring Him undoubtable praise and glory for works that must obviously be attributed to him.

Trust, though a solid-sounding word, is not necessarily a comfortable state to be in. One can be spurred to fearless trust with habit and practice (you trust your legs now though you didn’t when you were 5 months old), but trust is a risk. Having beheld more than two years of daily records about how God is faithful, I have more than ample personal material to supplement biblical claims that God is faithful to be good, because He is sovereign despite disappointing timelines in our eyes.

I’m not sure what the worship band had in mind a few weeks ago when they chose this song to play while challenging us to choose an attribute of God to meditate on in 2013. Could anyone choose anything but “sovereign” after this song? Funny.

Sovereign in my greatest joy,
Sovereign in my deepest cry,
With me in the dark,
With me at the dawn.